The Real Meaning of “Sponsorship”

Back with a topic that deserves ALL the attention! It’s been long overdue to speak in depth about The Real Meaning of Sponsorship!

We’re living in times where the economy is currently affecting everyone’s financial status regardless of the dollar amount in your bank account. So every dollar counts and not only that but we can’t afford to work for free, no we can’t work for exposure, NO! Now let’s rewind so that you understand why the answer is No.

When I first started my business back in 2017/2018 I had no idea what exactly I wanted to do. I started out selling bottled drinks and slowly eased into working events. I’m a self taught Bartender and all I knew is that I wanted to work for myself. I didn’t want to work 40 hours a week just to take home pennies and only be able to barely pay my bills. I knew if I really wanted to take entrepreneurship serious that I had to get things in order from jump. I was new to Atlanta, the only friends I had were co-workers and a few people I knew from back home (Detroit) but this was back when networking events were a thing and really used to be worth it, now they are just parties but that’s a story for another day.

I knew that if I wanted to pursue Mixy that I was going to sometimes have to ‘sponsor’ events to help build up my name. Back then it wasn’t a big issue, I had a corporate job and Mixy was my side hustle. The problem I started to have was that people would take advantage of the fact that you worked for free and always wanted free work. There was never a budget, like EVER and I would barely make tips because it would also be upcoming spirit brands that they would have available to serve (the guests always declined) so now you see why it wasn’t beneficial to me.

Quick Advice: If you are having an event and do not have a budget to pay for a Bar Service, please only get known alcohol brands. I’ve saw it first hand on countless occasions that the guest will either try the drink and not tip or they won’t get a drink at all. This in return doesn’t benefit the bar company because they won’t make tips, didn’t get paid to even show up, and can’t network because no one is coming to the bar. If you would like to use an upcoming spirit brand at your event, the event needs to be centered around bringing brand awareness to that particular spirit.

As my business started to take off and my brand was elevating more each year, those same people who I used to do free work for would still inquire about sponsoring their event so I started to ignore the request and some people I would be sure to let them know not to contact me without a budget. To think you can circle back 2-3 years later without a budget seeing the direction my brand was headed was disrespectful in my book.

Now let’s fast forward to now where sponsorship isn’t a bad thing it just needs to be beneficial on both ends. If I do an event for you pro bono it’s because you have a service or product(s) that are of equal value to my services so this is considered a Barter. If you have a rental company, catering services, Photography, Videography, Photo Booth, event planning, etc and we each exchange services/products; that is the Real Meaning of Sponsorship. We both made a transaction that was equally beneficial so we don’t feel like one walked away with more than the other.

The only other acceptable form of ‘sponsorship’ is when you develop a relationship with a vendor/business who consistently books or refers you and they have their own event and are in need of your service. “Look out for those, who look out for you!” Now it’s perfectly fine if you need them to purchase material or pay for shipping, delivery or gas, because you can’t; but if you’re a DJ or you have inventory of rentals or you have a Photo Booth, there shouldn’t be an issue with you offering your services because you already own the product. A bar company for example, sponsoring services is cool but the client can still be responsible for purchasing the alcohol, barware and any materials needed if you’re not in the financial position to do so.

In 2024 I want everyone to challenge themselves to saying NO when necessary. Find you a solid vendor team to barter with that will help each of you grow. To anyone who isn’t adding value to your brand, leave them behind because it’s only a seat at the table for those who are ready to create a mutually beneficial relationship!

Until next time…..


An all-new Mixy